Thursday, May 10, 2007

Orwell Rockin in the Free World ~or~ A Little Bit of Hairy in the Night.

Pity Orwell in his grave. Someone's going to have to dig him up and install a rotisserie spit.

LISA caught Jim today, assuming he's guilty or that his guilt matches their accusations. Something in his responses said Westinghouse, so SuitMan the PR Pro didst regale us, trailing a litany of consequentia. Suit:
"When you know something, it's hard to hide."

If you don't know squat but you're trying to think, maybe that's easier: they haven't caught me, so far as I know. They'd bust immediately were they certain. Why wait until after a leak?

On the other hand, one person might lead to another.

I worked with Jim for a couple months w/o camaradery -- dumb luck, or a strategy of his. I took him for stupid -- a misstep that starts to look like a pattern. Now I want to know what he had for breakfast.

I can draw his face back. A bit. He sat, so, hung his face so: Muuaoouuw
-- I turn from the keyboard to practice the gesture. He stroked his thin whiskers, stared frontwards during training

-- hopelessly corporeal meatpuppet with the rest of us caught in the geometric tines of LISA's will.

Mostly his mouth would go slack.

Pray he's guilty; maybe he'll get off. At least Westinghouse might spring for a lawyer with claws, something more feral than the Rex Todd thing that David Keogh got in Britain.

You may not know: The NY Times put Keogh and O'Connor's story wa-a-ay down on A-12 today. Had Bettina not double-folded the paper in front of that white blouse at break I might have missed it: "British Court Convicts 2 of Leaking Secret Memo on Bush-Blair Conversation." Seems George II spoke to Blair about blowing up Al Jazeera News in Qatar. Of course, the prosecutor's paid to play Pilate:
Diplomacy is a delicate and sensitive act, and it cannot properly be carried out in our interest when what one government says to another cannot be kept secret or confidential.

Even the attorney for the defense characterized the defendent's action as "misguided" and done "in a way that was likely to cause damage." The defendent had pleaded innocent, BTW.
Why, do turn your pretty blue eyes, Scarlett. How one does blush to see the delicate diplomacy of a Patriot missile exposed!

First the Il Deuce-style crotch-shot on the aircraft carrier, now this. Bush's handlers must miss their jobs at the Washington Zoo.

Maybe I could grant delicacy to the diplomacy behind MSNBC's decision to can top-rated Donahue -- delicacy in an Alberto Gonzalez kind of way: they had the sagacity to lie about it. Their sagacity makes me wish I'd watched the program, but I guess we won't get reruns right away. But no, a Patriot Missile right across the desk of the Late Edition. That's escalating discourse.


Anonymous said...

Fuck and you thought Ezra Pound raised his hands in frustration, running out his house screaming, "They all crazy", after trying to read the bible without footnotes. I'd like to see his face after trying to triangulate this one without footnotes.
Strangely enough it was a curiously strong tranquilizing effect. What would you attribute that to Bill.

Anonymous said...

I don't know I'm baffled. Well you saw it on the news, so what is the point.
Is there anything in life to be positive about? You have no control over this stuff. Maybe it is happening for a good reason that you cannot see. It is possible.
How bout some love and passion. Maybe some prurient sex would be nice, especially if it were gratuitous. Forget the Lesbian crap to. I mean sex the way God intended it to be. Hot with wild abandon. I wanna feel the heat, smell the fragance, taste the nectar, hear the climax. Now that could even change Bush and Cheney, Maybe Condi could be pretty with a ear to ear smile. She goes to Venezuela and Hugo Chavez pops her big time. She becomes a dual citizen. I'm on to something.

BC said...

You're saying God blinked on the whole lesbian thing? Ach, this western theology! No wonder ol Ez wuz confused.